Monday, March 4, 2013

Coulda Been 200

Started the weak strong but then my arch just began to feel really really tired. Sore and achy are maybe better words to describe how it was feeling but tired seems to be the general mood. Still very happy with this month given that it was almost 200 miles. March probably won't get to 200 either because of Hatrun but that's ok. I'm just happy to be running consistently again. Feels great.

Mon- 7 NHS 51:15 Muddy and wet so this was actually pretty fast. 2 miles Treadmill. Put the incline at 15% and was able to keep a 13:30ish pace for over a mile. Very happy with that.
Tues- 5.2 Core creek.40:05 achilles hurting again.
Wed- 8 core creek Sluggish, PF not great
Thurs- 10 NHS 1:15:25 Thought I was moving slow....finished the 7 mile in like 52 which is ok. Happy with this run
Fri- 8 core creek. 59:30 sluggish whole time. Need rest week.
Sat- 5 NHS. Pf felt weak. Needs rest.
Sun rest

Week- 45
Feb- 188
March- 13
Year- 381

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